Elenita Heights Subdivision is a low-cost subdivision project located in Upper Catalunan Grande, Davao City. This subdivision has wide, well-lit concrete roads, dependable supply of electricity and water, underground drainage, open scenery and clean fresh air. All of these give Elenita Heights a wonderful atmosphere for you and your family to live in.
Project Summary of Elenita Heights DavaoHouse and Lot Packages of Elenita Heights Davao
Sonia Hornijas
Sales Manager Contact Numbers: (globe/viber): +63 917 705 6132 (sun/viber): +63 922 805 3207 (smart): +63 908 889 1304 (PLDT landline): (082) 284-6044 Emails: - [email protected] - [email protected] Skype: davaopropertyfinder Yahoo Messenger: davaopropertyfinder Skype Chat: davaopropertyfinder Low-Cost SubdivisionsMiddle-Class Subdivisions
High-end Subdivisions
Davao Condominiums
Samal Island Properties
Our Office location!Company: Hornijas-Tobias Realty & Co.
Address: Door 7 Paseo de Legaspi, Pelayo St., Davao City
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